International Industrial Ecology Day 2024

Conceptualising the Circular Economy at the micro-, meso- and macro-level (08:00 UTC)

Time slot: Nov 21, 2024 — 08:00-09:00 (UTC Change)
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Session Organiser: Christoph Helbig

Institution: University of Bayreuth

Location/Local Time: Bayreuth, Germany (9 - 10am)


The circular economy concept is ubiquitously discussed as a vision for more sustainable consumption and production systems. Changes towards a circular economy might start with technical or social innovations (e.g., redesign for recycling, extended product lifetimes, changed consumption behaviour). Still, their path into widespread deployment highly depends on socio-economic preconditions, calling for support through transdisciplinary science. In this session, we present intermediate results from the Circularity³ project, which aims to deliver recommendations for implementing environmentally beneficial circular economy measures at the case studies of smartphones and batteries in electric vehicles in five countries. We break down the complexity of the circular economy concept into comparable but complementary case studies along the dimensions of value chains/implementation logic of circular economy measures, economic aggregation level, and countries. The current state of circularity is analysed for these value chains on the innovation/micro, sector/meso, and economy-wide/macro level for the participating countries of Germany, Thailand, Turkey, Chinese Taipei, and Japan. This overview enables the identification of focus areas. A comparison of similar case studies (a) in different countries, (b) on different levels, and (c) with different application cases leads to new and systematic insights into the specific focus areas, which we want to discuss with you in this Industrial Ecology Day 2024 session.

Session Details:  

min 0-5 Introduction Christoph Helbig & Antonia Loibl (session chairs from University of Bayreuth and Fraunhofer ISI, Germany)
min 5-20 Presentation Chanathip Pharino, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
min 20-35 Presentation Martin Hillenbrand, University of Bayreuth, Germany
min 35-50 Presentation Malte Besler, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany
min 50-60 Questions & Discussion

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