International Industrial Ecology Day 2023

Home International Industrial Ecology Day: Solutions for a Net-Zero Circular Economy 14:00-15:00 AEDT (3:00-4:00 UTC) S-18 Research Project: Sustainable Urban Built Environment and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation 14:00-15:00 JST (5:00-6:00 UTC) Advancing Circular Economy in Cities: Environmental and Economic Impacts of Reuse and Sharing Systems 15:00-16:00 HKT (7:00-8:00 UTC) China’s Industrial Ecology Scholarship: Past, Present, and Future 15:00-16:00 CST (7:00-8:00 UTC) Open Data in Life Cycle Assessment 16:00-17:00 CST (8:00-9:00 UTC) Advancing Energy and Environmental Systems Models for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development 17:00-18:50 CST (9:00-10:50 UTC) Empowering Circularity: Unveiling the Impact of MSMEs in India's Sustainable Future 14:30-15:30 IST (9:00-10:00 UTC) Applying LCA to Understand the Food System 11:00-12:00 GMT (11:00-12:00 UTC) Harnessing Our Common Humanity of Ubuntu to Advance the Concepts of Industrial Ecology in South Africa 14:00-15:00 SAST (12:00-13:00 UTC) Industrial Ecology's Pivotal Role in Shaping Robust Carbon Accounting and Strategic Policy Designs for CBAM 14:00-15:00 CET (13:00-14:00 UTC) Sustainable Battery Material Flows 15:00-16:30 CET (14:00-15:30 UTC) Understanding Diverging Stock Measurements of Floorspace and Materials in Buildings 17:00-18:00 CET (16:00-17:00 UTC) Honoring the Legacy of Bob Ayres 13:00-14:00 EST (18:00-19:00 UTC) Graedel Prize Winners Discuss their Winning Articles 14:00- 15:00 EST (19:00-20:00 UTC) Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freight Systems 14:00-15:00 EST (19:00-20:00 UTC) Detailed program

Applying LCA to Understand the Food System 11:00-12:00 GMT (11:00-12:00 UTC)

Nov 30, 11am – 12pm (UTC+0), MS Teams

We ask that you register for this session at this link if you plan to attend.

Joining Link

The food system comprises a complex network of activities and actors, navigating convoluted supply chains to deliver energy and nutrients across the globe. In supplying these, it is estimated that agriculture is responsible for a third of all greenhouse gas emissions (Crippa et al, 2021) and 90% of tropical deforestation (Pendrill et al, 2022). Meanwhile, a third of all food produced fails to reach our plates (UNEP 2021), exacerbating these impacts and contributing to food insecurity. In the face of escalating climate and biodiversity crises, a dramatic shift in this system seems increasingly inevitable. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly being used as a tool to understand and reduce our food system’s impact on our planetary support systems, while taking a broader view of its implications on workers as well as the nutritional quality of our diets. Our webinar programme features food-related LCA research being undertaken at the University of Reading that explores small scale agroecological production systems, reviews methodologies to incorporate animal welfare aspects in LCA, impacts of nitrogen use and crop rotation, nutrition in disadvantaged communities, and sustainability analysis of food waste management in developing-world cities.  

11:00 – 11:05 – Welcome from moderator (Eugene Mohareb)

11:05 – 11:15 – LCA in small scale agroecological production systems (Sally Westaway)

11:15 – 11:25 – Animal welfare considerations in LCA (Nina Adams)

11:25 – 11:35 – Crop rotations implications for nitrogen use (Michelle Felton & Simone Pfuderer)

11:35 – 11:45 – Nutrition and LCA of diets in disadvantaged communities (Jessica Bosseaux)

11:45 – 11:55 – Life cycle sustainability analysis of Dhaka’s organic waste management (Azad Ashraf)

(Eugene Mohareb, Sally Westaway, Nina Adams, Michelle Felton & Simone Pfuderer, Jessica Bosseaux, Azad Ashraf)