International Industrial Ecology Day 2021

ROUNDTABLE: Circular Economy and the Future of Industrial Ecology

Time slot: Jun 21, 2021 โ€” 13:00-15:00 (UTC Change)
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Since the founding of the ISIE back in 2001, industrial ecology has become an established field. Industrial ecologists are no longer teenagers in a self-discovery phase, but rather grown-ups with tools, methods and concepts that have an impact on science and society. In recent years, the circular economy’s rising popularity has motivated policy, business and civil society to take action in the field of resource management. Industrial ecologists have also realized that the circular economy has drawn a large following. Some colleagues are optimistic owing to the potential of CE to put industrial ecology concepts into practice. Others are more skeptical, especially if well-established approaches are disregarded. What does the future hold for industrial ecology and what will be the role of the circular economy? We will learn about how industrial ecology became a mature field and reflect on our contributions to societal change and visions for the future. We will then initiate discussions about the relationship between circular economy and industrial ecology and its role in our future visions.

Join us for an exciting discussion in ISIE’s 20th year!

Session program:

  • Minute 0-5: Welcome by session chair and introduction to the topic (Marian Chertow)
  • Minute 5-15: Our beginnings: views from industrial ecology leaders
  • Minute 15-25: Industrial ecology and circular economy: similarities and differences (Stijn van Ewijk, Yale University)
  • Minute 25-45: Open discussion 1. Moderation: Benjamin Sprecher
  • Minute 45-55: Industrial ecology in the circular economy discourse (Sina Leipold & Anna Petit-Boix, University of Freiburg)
  • Minute 55-75: Open discussion 2. Moderation: Tamar Makov
  • Minute 75-90: The future of industrial ecology: priorities in the era of circular economy (Stefanie Hellweg, ETH Zürich)
  • Minute 90-105: Open discussion 3. Moderation: Rupert Myers
  • Minute 105-110: Final remarks and closing (Marian Chertow)
  • Minute 110-120: Break

Organizers and session chairs: Marian Chertow (Yale University), Stijn van Ewijk (Yale University), Anna Petit-Boix (University of Freiburg), Tamar Makov (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Benjamin Sprecher (CML Leiden University), Rupert Myers (Imperial College London)


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Session registration

This is an event for ISIE members.

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