International Industrial Ecology Day 2021

PLENARY SESSION: Industrial ecology in support of climate policy - On the way to Glasgow

Time slot: Jun 21, 2021 โ€” 09:00-11:00 (UTC Change)
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Industrial ecology helps to expand the evidence base for climate policy mostly through providing an understanding of how human activities cause greenhouse gas emissions and land use changes and by assessing the mitigation potential of technological and behavioral strategies. The contribution of knowledge of either strategic or instrumental value is reflected in the increasing participation of Industrial Ecologists in the assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which again is the most important basis for making climate policy. This plenary brings together contributors to the IPCC’s sixth assessment report to highlight insights that are of key relevance to climate policy making, including the upcoming Conference of Parties in Glasgow in November 2021.



Xuemei Bai, Australian National University

Brett Cohen, The Green House, Cape Town

Michael Grubb, University College London

Arunima Malik, University of Sydney

Julia Steinberger, University of Lausanne


Moderator: Edgar Hertwich, Norwegian University of Science and Technology


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This is an event for ISIE members.

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