International Industrial Ecology Day 2021

Spotlight session: Industrial Symbiosis & Eco-industrial Development

Time slot: Jun 21, 2021 โ€” 15:00-17:00 (UTC Change)
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The session combines presentations of advances in the practice and research in the field and offers a networking opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to enhance collaboration. The agenda includes:, a short introduction of the section on Industrial Symbiosis, original presentations on industrial symbiosis developments; an introduction to the Global Eco-industrial Park (GEIP) Program of UNIDO and finally a networking opportunity among participants interested on the key development in industrial symbiosis.

Session program:

  • Minute 0-10: Welcome by IS-EID Section Board and introduction to the session
  • Minute 10-25: Synergie Québec - Julien Beaulieu, CTTÉI
  • Minute 25-40: “Designing, Demonstrating, Evaluating Climate Change interventions – the ViTAL principles to achieve Net Zero” Oliver Heidrich& Mohammad Ali Rajaeifar, Newcastle University
  • Minute 40-55: “Update on Industrial Symbiosis Project based on KIC4 Model, Kwinana, Western Australia” C. Oughton, B. Kurup, M. Anda, and G. Ho Environmental Engineers International Pty Ltd, Murdoch University & Kwinana Industries Council
  • Minute 55-70: Global Eco-Industrial Park program (GEIP) of UNIDO
  • Minute 70-95: Network opportunity parallel discussion groups (break-out rooms)
  • Minute 95-100: Final remarks and closing of the session
  • Minute 100-120: Break

 Organizers and session chairs: This session is organised by the Industrial Symbiosis (IS-EID) section and will be chaired by Pierre-Alexandre Guillemette and Bart van Hoof.


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Update on Industrial Symbiosis Project based on KIC4 Model, Kwinana, Western Australia
Designing, Demonstrating, Evaluating Climate Change interventions โ€“ the ViTAL principles to achieve Net Zero

Session registration

This is an event for ISIE members.

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