International Industrial Ecology Day 2021

Sustainability transformations of provisioning systems and the stock-flow-service nexus

Time slot: Jun 21, 2021 โ€” 15:00-17:00 (UTC Change)
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The goal of this session is to discuss the latest research on the potentials and limitations of a sustainability transformation of the stock-flow-service nexus and provisioning systems, which are novel interdisciplinary conceptual approaches towards understanding and achieving sustainable resource use, emission reductions and the decoupling conundrum. The scope of this session is about drawing connections across scales between efforts in investigating the stock-flow-service nexus and research on the political economy of transformations and provisioning systems. Contributions could also include perspectives on choice architectures and physical infrastructures in reorganizing the provision of services that simultaneously improve wellbeing for all and reduce GHG emissions.

Session program:

  • Minute 0-5: Welcome by session chair and introduction to topic
  • Minute 5-20: Who Moved My Raw Materials? A dynamic analysis of material flows, stocks, and greenhouse gas emissions in the growing Israeli housing sector (Sophia Igdalov, Department of Environmental Studies, the Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Tel Aviv University)
  • Minute 20-35: The reduction effects of lifecycle CO2 emissions and costs through the aircraft lifetime change in Japan (Minami Kito, Kyushu University, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES))
  • Minute 35-50: The stock-flow-service nexus of private and public vehicles (Gabriel Carmona Aparicio, University of Cambridge)
  • Minute 50-65: An integrated framework for sustainability: The EMMIT model (Sébastien Dente, Ritsumeikan University)
  • Minute 65-80: Environmental-economic interface of the stock-flow-service nexus (Mihály Dombi, University of Debrecen)
  • Minute 80-95: Socio-economic conditions for satisfying human needs at low energy use: an international analysis of provisioning systems (Jefim Vogel, Sustainability Research Institute (SRI) (University of Leeds: School of Earth and Environment)
  • Minute 95-105: General discussion
  • Minute 105-120: Break

Organizers and session chairs: This special session is organized and chaired by Helmut Haberl and Dominik Wiedenhofer (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria).

 If you need technical assistance, please contact us at


Who Moved My Raw Materials? A dynamic analysis of material flows, stocks, and greenhouse gas emissions in the growing Israeli housing sector
The stock-flow-service nexus of private and public vehicles
The reduction effects of lifecycle CO2 emissions and costs through the aircraft lifetime change in Japan
Socio-economic conditions for satisfying human needs at low energy use: an international analysis of provisioning systems
Environmental-economic interface of the stock-flow-service nexus
An integrated framework for sustainability: The EMMIT model

Session registration

This is an event for ISIE members.

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