International Industrial Ecology Day 2021

Bottom-up urban built environment MFA: Data, Methods, Challenges and Comparability

Time slot: Jun 21, 2021 โ€” 13:00-15:00 (UTC Change)
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Description: This session will discuss ongoing bottom-up urban MFA research, including in methodology, case studies, and analysis, to facilitate collaboration and advancement in the field. The session will focus on:

  • What questions can bottom-up models answer and where are the frontiers?
  • What are the gaps in methods, data, and the research landscape?
  • What are the trade-offs between detail and completeness?
  • Where do we see potentials and largest benefit for collaborative efforts?

Session program:

  • Minute 0-5: Welcome by session chair and introduction to topic
  • Minute 5-55: Oral presentation on ongoing research on bottom up urban MFA
    • “Material stock estimation of Europe at varying scales using nighttime lights data” Tomer Fishman and Yoav Peled, IDC Herzliya
    • “Why using High-Resolution Earth Observation imagery for National-Scale Bottom-Up Estimation of Material Stocks?” Franz Schug et al, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
    • “High-resolution mapping the urban built environment in China with bottom-up method.” Ruichang Mao, Tsinghua University
    • “A Construction Classification System Database for Understanding Resource Use in Building Construction” Gursans Guven at al, University of Toronto
    • “Material flow analysis for embodied carbon burden of construction stakeholders” Mohit Arora et al, University of Edinburgh
    • “Circular economy opportunities in the UK’s construction sector: component-level bottom-up study of the UK’s non-residential building stock.” Maud Lanau et al, The University of Sheffield
    • “How can we take advantage of industry data sources to assist Industrial Ecology Community to better define materials and building assemblies for use in MFA and MSA studies?” Kimberlee Zamora, Thomas Jefferson University 
  • Minute 60-90: Break out tables and open discussion on
    • What questions can bottom-up models answer and where are the frontiers?
    • What are the gaps in methods, data, and the research landscape?
    • What are the trade-offs between detail and completeness?
    • Where do we see potentials and largest benefit for collaborative efforts?
  • Minute 90 - 105: consolidation session led by the organizers to summarise and share ideas arising in the open discussion
  • Minute 105-110: Final remarks and closing
  • Minute 110-120: Break

Organizers and session chairs: This session is organised Danielle Densley Tingley, Maud Lanau and Hadi Arbabi (University of Sheffield), Rupert J. Myers and Mohit Arora (Imperial College London), Niko Heeren (NTNU), Matan Mayer (IE University) and Shoshanna Saxe and Gursans Guven (University of Toronto). The session will be chaired by Shoshanna Saxe (University of Toronto).


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Why using High-Resolution Earth Observation imagery for National-Scale Bottom-Up Estimation of Material Stocks?
Material stock estimation of Europe at varying scales using nighttime lights data
Material flow analysis for embodied carbon burden of construction stakeholders
How can we take advantage of industry data sources to assist Industrial Ecology Community to better define materials and building assemblies for use in MFA and MSA studies?
High-resolution mapping the urban built environment in China with bottom-up method
Circular economy opportunities in the UKโ€™s construction sector: component-level bottom-up study of the UKโ€™s non-residential building stock.
A Construction Classification System Database for Understanding Resource Use in Building Construction

Session registration

This is an event for ISIE members.

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