International Industrial Ecology Day 2021

Measuring material services at the macro level - a conceptual challenge


Examination of material services is an emerging topic of the research on socio-economic metabolism. Studies dealing with particular processes, e.g., illumination (Whiting et al.,2019), transportation (Doris et al., 2021), have become central last few years. However, the measurement and conceptualization of the stock-flow-service nexus at the macro scale are immature yet. On the one hand, it is at the heart of the future environmental policies, as economic context is determined to a high extent (e.g., taxation, planning, subsidies, trade policy). On the other hand, this effort is extremely challenging due to aggregated nature of the economic, social, and ecological processes. In our poster, we firstly outline previous attempts on macro-level measurements of the services and ultimate ends. Then, we present case studies on candidate non-monetary indicators (i.e., deducted material, exergy, and time-budget) and discuss their advantages and shortcomings.


Name Affiliation
Mihály Dombi Budapest Business University
Andrea Karcagi-Kováts University of Debrecen
Aldebei Faisal Mohammad Fahid University of Debrecen
Piroska Harazin University of Debrecen

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