ISIE Annual General Meeting 2022

ISIE Annual General Meeting

28th April 2022

10pm Australian Eastern, 9pm Tokyo, 8pm Beijing China, 2pm Vienna, 1pm UK, 8am US Eastern

Zoom link
Password: 932045

NOTE: The AGM will be recorded only for the purpose of writing the minutes. The recording will not be publicly available.

The International Society for Industrial Ecology's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is open to all current members. The AGM is a time to review the past year's activities, events, and finances, and also to plan for the future and consider new initiatives. Indeed, at an AGM all members have the opportunity to present resolutions and proposals and have a say on the direction and planning for ISIE. All ISIE members are invited to attend our AGM, which this year will be conducted online through Zoom video conferencing. Details will be emailed out to Members, and those who can not attend the meeting can still vote on resolutions using the links below.


Chaired by: Simron J. Singh, Secretary, ISIE

Minutes taken by: Kuishuang Feng, Vice-Secretary, ISIE


1. Welcome from the ISIE President: Stefanie Hellweg

Acknowledging recently elected Board members and handover to new Executive Team


2. Acceptance of Minutes from Previous AGM (available on the ISIE Website here)

 See voting options and details here:


3. Past year reporting

  • Treasurer's Report: past year reporting and prospective budgets.
  • Highlights from our third Annual Report of activities of the Society including the Journal of Industrial Ecology, membership, conferences, website development, and other initiatives. ISIE Committees and Sections will also give short reports.
  • Here is the link to the 2021 annual report.

Please vote here to accept the past year's reporting activities and finances, and the budget for 2022:


4. New Member Proposals (for vote)


A) Establishing a standard process to award student scholarships for ISIE conference participation.

B) Improve ISIE Job Board and create Jobs Committee.


5. Update on last year's proposal / ISIE initiatives

  • Promoting Industrial Ecology in Asia (Proposal by Raja Chowdhury)
  • Status of ISIE initiatives: social media, introductory videos, cartoon competition (Ming Xu)


6. Changes within ISIE

  • Recruiting the 2022-3 Finance Committee. Volunteers are:


  • Consideration and vote on acceptance of any changes to the Housekeeping Rules. In the past year, a new article on conflict of interest has been entered and is being put forward for acceptance by Members.

    Please enter your vote here:

Other Business

Close of General Meeting



For questions about the AGM please contact the Secretary of ISIE, Simron Singh, or get in touch with the ISIE Secretariat.