Journal of Economic Structures - special issue outlet for EEIO research

Environmentally Extended Input Output Section

Open Thematic Series

Special Thematic Series on: Method development in EEIOA – novel advances and best practices

New Content ItemEnvironmentally and socially-extended input-output analysis (EEIOA) has seen remarkable developments in recent years with an increasing number of publications and policy-relevant applications. Studies examining the impacts of international trade or new technologies, environmental footprint assessments, hybrid life-cycle assessments, compilation and testing of multi-region input-output (MRIO) databases or large-scale scenario analyses are just a few prominent examples. This progress was enabled by the development of novel input-output methods, new databases, innovative modifications and applications as well as new electronic resources, including online platforms for the exchange of knowledge, data or code.

This Special Thematic Series of the Journal of Economic Structures aims to summarize novel advances and best practices in the field of EEIOA, particularly

  • On bridging IOA with complementary methods from other disciplines, 
  • On the issue of uncertainty and reproducibility (in particular of multi-region input-output models), as well as 
  • On novel developments that help to increase policy uptake of EEIOA. 

The Special Thematic Series will showcase and support the development of input-output methods and techniques for increasing relevant and significant outcomes. The aim is to give environmentally and socially extended IOA a more prominent platform and to stimulate knowledge exchange and collaboration with other societies in related fields.


Abstracts should be submitted to the editors listed below to receive early feedback. Final manuscripts must be prepared and submitted according to the Submission Guidelines of the journal. Authors are able to name up to five preferred referees in their cover letter. Papers will be carefully refereed to meet the standards of publication of the journal. Editors will make every effort to provide a notification of acceptance or rejection within two months of submission. Please contact the editors with any question regarding the suitability of topics for this Special Thematic Series.