Call for Papers for the 19th European Round table for Sustainable Consumption and Production

Dear colleagues and friends,

The organizing and Scientific Committee are pleased to announce and welcome you to the 19th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production – Circular Europe for Sustainability: Design, Production, and Consumption (ERSCP 2019) - will be held in Barcelona from 15 to 18 October 2019.

ERSCP 2019 will facilitate discussions on efforts to transition to a circular Europe and the opportunities to transform production and consumption in Europe and make it more sustainable. The thematic tracks of the conference, each covering a range of specific topics, are:
  • Sustainable consumption
  • Circular economy
  • Sustainable industry and business
  • Sustainability education
Specific topics of each one of the tracks are available on the website. Proposed cross-cutting topics, crucial to any transformation to a sustainable production and consumption society, are transdisciplinarity, innovation, design, and policy.
ERSCP 2019 will explore innovative and transformational conference formats. Along with traditional presentation sessions, the conference will offer spaces for discussions and debates, as well as for collaborative workshops and other non-traditional conference sessions. Next to regular paper and poster abstracts, proposals for dialogue sessions are welcomed (more details on conference formats). Each participant can do a maximum of two paper presentations.

Prospective authors are invited to submit up to two abstracts of maximum 500 words no later than January 31st, 2019 through the conference website. The abstract must include a comprehensive title, the name of all authors, their complete affiliation (address, e-mail), and clear structure, methods and (expected) conclusions, to allow the scientific committee to judge on the quality of the work. Prior to abstract preparation and submission, it is recommended reading carefully the specific requirements and consulting the template for abstract preparation in a standard format, available at the conference website. The members of the scientific committee will review the abstracts. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper by August 1st, 2019.

For further information and for submitting your abstract please visit the conference website: