"Sustainable Planning and Life-Cycle Thinking of Energy Infrastructure" in "Sustainable Energy Systems and Policies" Section of "Frontiers in Energy Research" Journal

Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment

Dear ISIE Team,

We are happy to announce that, Prof. Idiano D'Adamo (from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Dr. Subrata Hait (from Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India); Dr. Anshu Priya (from City University of Hong Kong); Dr. Sofiane Kichou (from Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) and myself Dr. NALLAPANENI Manoj Kumar are organizing a Research Topic "Sustainable Planning and Life-Cycle Thinking of Energy Infrastructure" in Frontiers in Energy Research Journal Frontiers.

This Research Topic aims to analyze innovative solutions and approaches that enable the sustainable transformation of energy infrastructure during its implementation, modernization, expansion, decommissioning, and end-of-life from a science, technology, engineering, and policy perspective. Overall, we seek contributions in the form of original research, reviews, methods, opinions, and perspectives that bring innovation to the energy infrastructure field in terms of both applications and advanced methods, with both short and long-term time scales in mind.

The Topic Editors welcome contributions around energy and its interdependent sectors, including, but not limited to, the following themes:

• Materials, components and products used in energy infrastructure systems
• State of the art energy infrastructure designs from a life-cycle perspective
• State of the art optimization and control methods used in energy infrastructure
• Problem-solving approaches from science, technology, engineering, and policy perspective for an increasing level of technical complexity and digitalization
• Multifaceted performance investigations of integrated and interdependent energy infrastructure
• Techno-economics and life cycle assessments of energy streams and associated energy infrastructure
• End-of-life approaches and circular business models for energy infrastructure
• Policy and market models for sustainable transformation of energy infrastructure
• Novel technologies integration with existing and new energy infrastructure of interdependent sectors

Keywords: Energy infrastructure, renewable energy, smart grids, microgrids, nanogrids, virtual power plants, SDG7, clean energy, clean energy policy, LCA of energy systems, recycling policies, end-of-life management, smart energy systems, integrated energy infrastructures