18th Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium at ISIE 2025 Singapore, June 30, 2025
The Board of ISIE’s Industrial Symbiosis and Eco-Industrial Development Section is pleased to announce the 18th Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium (ISRS)—the flagship gathering of the Section—which will convene at the N...
Summer School "Managing Sustainable Industrial Systems" (MaSIS) - Rome, 5th-6th June 2025
Dear PhD Students,
We are pleased to announce the availability of a new summer school titled Managing Sustainable Industrial Systems (MaSIS).
The school will be held in Rome on the 5th and 6th of June 2025.
The Summer School MaSIS aims to ...
Energy-based industrial symbiosis: a literature review
The Springer abstract can be viewed here
Death of Vlademir Christiensen
Our colleague Anne Hews writes: You probably know the story of how Vlademir and his wife, Inge, coined the phrase "Industrial Symbiosis"in 1989. She copies a snippet of her 2005 Ph.D. dissertation that describes the emergence of the term (be...
Scaling the Circular Economy Event 21-22 April in Brussels
The event will explore pathways to increase the uptake of the Circular Economy on the Industrial Level, otherwise known as industrial symbiosis. By Scaling European Resources with Industrial Symbiosis. Read more about it here https://w...
New master plan for old Singaporean Industrial Park to incorporate eco-industrial concepts
This holistic planning process overseen by the Urban Redevelopment Authority encompasses a broad gamut of eco-industrial concepts including shared facilities, byproduct exchanges, targeted industrial sectors such as agro-technology, waste ma...
Paper "Fostering Circular Economy through the analysis of existing open access Industrial Symbiosis
Published in Sustainability 2020 by Daniel Jato-Espino and Carmen Ruiz-Puente. Go here to download the pdf
Two Costa Rican Start-ups using by-product exchanges hailed for making the world a more eco-friendly place
Magenta Biolabs and Brome are featured in this short piece by Mariana Lopez
Ramboll investigating carbon capture and utilization based on industrial symbiosis potential
The press release indicates an interest in using captured carbon as a chemical feedstock for polymers, minerals, chemicals and synthetic fuels. Read about it here
NISP® Canada Pilot Delivers Industrial Symbiosis Success
The National Industrial Symbiosis Program (NISP®) Canada wrapped up a very successful 18 month pilot last May. Our final performance report is available online here
Rene Van Berkel paper Lesson's Learned from the Application of the UNIDO Eco-Industrial Park Toolbox in Vietnam and other countries
read the abstract here, and the full paper is available to download from the site.
UNIDO evaluates Vietnamese Eco Industrial Park Project and finds good results
Read about UNIDO's evaluation and the press release regarding it here: