Major update of the industrial ecology database now available!

Socio-Economic Metabolism

The prototype of an industrial ecology data commons (IEDC), based on a comprehensive data model for socioeconomic metabolism ( and hosted at the University of Freiburg, Germany, contains now almost 1.1 million data points in 180 datasets.

Over the course of this year, Niko Heeren and I have parsed and added a number of important datasets from our community, including the Yale Stocks and Flows Database (YSTAFDB,, the Metabolism of Cities database (, and a small fraction of the UNEP IRP MFA database (, for demonstration purposes).

The IEDC prototype also contains data from ca. 40 journal papers, 15 datasets from government organisations, some datasets from industry organisations, and some correspondence tables (see. Figure below). The data models of ecospold v2 and MRIO data have also been matched to the general data model for socioeconomic metabolism.