The objective of the ISWA-TU Summer School is to provide advanced knowledge in the field of energy recovery from waste to an international
audience of existing and emerging solid waste experts. The participants will learn that together with prevention and recycling measures, energy recovery from waste contribute significantly to reaching the goals of sustainable and integrated solid waste management.
In particular, two technologies – energy recovery through direct combustion and utilization of refuse-derived fuels – will be discussed with special emphasis on material and energy flows, waste characterization, practical applications and case studies.
Participants study best practices in:
➢ Analysis and design of direct
➢ Refuse-derived fuel production, coprocessing and quality control
➢ Waste-to-Energy systems
Lectures will be held by professionals from TU Wien, members of ISWA and the ISWA Working Group on Energy Recovery plus representatives from Geocycle (LafargeHolcim Ltd) and Ramboll A/S (Denmark).
Please note: the programme is subject to minor changes.
Date 09 – 20 September, 2019
Venue: TU Wien Institute for Water Quality and Resource Management Karlsplatz 13 1040 Vienna, Austria (
Target Group:
PhD students (and to some extent also Master students) from all over the world, professionals from authorities, consulting companies as well as from the industry
Online Registration:
Registration fees include course participation, course materials, coffee/tea breaks and lunch as well as transfers to and from the university for the technical site visits during teaching days.
Upon registration, participants accept all arrangements organized by ISWA and TU Wien. The organizers do not assume liability during field demonstrations and technical visits. Travel health insurance is advisable.
Deadline for Summer School Registration is 15 August, 2019
Recommended Accommodation
Participants must provide for accommodation and travel themselves. Please see accommodation suggestions provided or contact for assistance.
Recommended date of arrival: Sunday, 08 September, 2019
Recommended date of departure: Saturday, 21 September, 2019
You may learn more about it here: