UNCEEA Global Consultation on Global Economy Wide Material Flow Accounting Manual

Socio-Economic Metabolism


UNCEEA Global Consultation on Global Economy Wide Material Flow Accounting Manual

[from: https://seea.un.org/content/global-consultation-global-economy-wide-material-flow-accounting-manual]

Deadline: 1 March 2019

A global consultation is currently being held for the Global Economy Wide Material Flow Accounting Manual. The development of these global compilation guidelines for economy wide material flow accounting was carried out by UN Environment under the auspices of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA). The manual covers methods for assembling economy wide material flow accounts at the national level and for designing relevant accounts. The conceptual framework used in the manual is that presented in the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) Central Framework. It provides guidance on how to compile and collect data to populate the accounts and tables already included in the SEEA Central Framework.

This global consultation is being conducted jointly by UN Environment and the UN Statistics Division. It has been sent to national statistical offices in each country and countries are encouraged to consider means by which responses to the draft manual may be co-ordinated with experts from relevant ministries. The deadline for submitting comments is 1 March 2019. 

The relevant materials for the global consultation can be found below:

Cover note

Draft documents

Comment form 

Posting date: 1 February 2019