Participation requested - Survey: SIEYP 2019 Topics of Interest


We would like your input on potential topics for the Sixth Symposium on Industrial Ecology of Young Professionals (SIEYP) to be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2019, in conjunction with the ISIE biennial conference. The symposium is meant to be an opportunity for students and young professionals in the field of Industrial Ecology for networking and exchanging ideas and is organised by the board of the ISIE student section.

In order to make the SIEYP a great experience for all participants, we would like to know which subjects, activities, people and formats you would like to see in Beijing next year. Following the feedback from previous young professional events, the SIEYPs focus on building the academic society and researcher soft skills, not individual research or scientific presentations. Let us know about your expectations for the sixth symposium in the SIEYP 2019 Topics of Interest survey.