New Book on the Resource Nexus

Socio-Economic Metabolism

A new book has been published on the Resource Nexus: the Routledge Handbook on the Resource Nexus, edited by Raimund Bleischwitz, Holger Hoff, Catalina Spataru, Ester van der Voet and Stacy D. van der Veer, published by Earthscan - Routledge. 2018. ISBN for the paper version is 978-1-138-67549-0, and for the e-book (much cheaper to purchase) it is 978-1-315-56062-5.

The resource nexus in this book is understood as the linkages that exist between different resources - in order to produce water, energy is needed and when producing energy, we need water - that imply that we have to look at the resource system as a whole, instead of focusing on one particular resource. The book presents the current state of knowledge on the resource nexus. Part I covers the present literature, definitions and where the topic may be going. Part II (interesting for you) is on tools and metrics to analyse the resource nexus, tools from the industrial ecology realm. Part III is on different types of modelling and how they can be applied to the resource nexus. Part IV is on economy, part V contains some applications, and Part VI treats governance aspects. A really interesting read!