The Plant site of a portion of our 2017 ISRS Program

Industrial Symbiosis and Eco-industrial Development

Contributed by Peter Lowitt, based on an article from a project shared on Research Gate, February 2017

As you may know, the next ISRS will take place at The Plant in Chicago. Weslynne Ashton shared an update on ResearchGate on a project she is working on at The Plant. See the update below.

Implementing the Circular Economy at the Plant: "The Plant is a renovated former meat-packing facility in Chicago’s South Side, which is being repurposed into a collaborative community of food businesses committed to promoting the circular economy through waste reduction and symbiotic reuse. The first comprehensive Material Flow Analysis (MFA) was conducted in Summer 2016. Building on this MFA work, we are in the process of developing a sustainability performance measurement and reporting framework, that can be easily adopted by the tenants in the facility. This approach includes gathering “hard” material flow data and “soft” social impact data from these facilities, in order to tell their stories in a more scientifically-grounded manner." From a write by Weslynne Ashton on ResearchGate the freeport.

See the project description on Research Gate.