Nomination Period Extended to November 6
Dear Fellow ISIE Members,
We hope this message finds you well.
The ISIE Nominating Committee has decided to extend the deadline for submitting nominations for the 2025 ISIE election and would very much appreciate additional nominations for the positions available in the upcoming election. The new deadline is November 6, 2024.
The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) promotes the use of industrial ecology in research, education, policy, community development, and industrial practices. To fulfill its mission, the ISIE depends on voluntary contributions from its members, most importantly, by serving as elected members in different positions.
As some of our colleagues are about to finish their terms in different leadership roles, the following positions are up for election in early 2025:
- President-elect(to succeed Arnold Tukker)
- Secretary(to succeed Simron Singh)
- Treasurer(to succeed Matthew Eckelman)
- 2 Board Member positions(to succeed Cristina Madrid López and Hiroki Tanikawa)
- 2 Nominating Committee Member positions(to succeed Stefano Cucurachi and Xiao Li)
Please note that there are two additional positions that will be filled with this election. The positions are Vice-Secretary and Vice-Treasurer. The runner-up in the vote for Secretary will become the Vice-Secretary and the runner-up for Treasurer will become the Vice-Treasurer. These positions support the activities of the Secretary and Treasurer and are members of the Board.
The Nominating Committee of the ISIE is currently compiling a list of candidates to present to the membership for election, and we are asking you, the members, to nominate other ISIE members or yourself as potential candidates for the above-listed positions in the upcoming election of the Society.
Please submit your nominations via this web form [ ] by November 6, 2024.
Once all suggestions are reviewed, the Nominating Committee will reach out to suitable members whose names have been put forth as well as other ISIE members to confirm their willingness to take on these Society roles. Adhering to the ISIE's bylaws and housekeeping rules, the Nominating Committee will select the final list of candidates, with objectives that include achieving a gender balance and representing the membership's diversity across geographical locations, age groups, and areas of interest. Once selected, the final list of candidates will be announced and the voting procedure will start in early 2025.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions.
With best regards,
Your Nominating Committee,
Xiao Li (chairing this election procedure)
Peter Berrill
Stefano Cucurachi
Sina Leipold
Reid Lifset
Dominik Wiedenhofer
Stefanie Hellweg (Immediate Past President)
Below are detailed descriptions outlining the responsibilities of each of the positions:
President-elect (2 years): The President-elect shall serve for a term of two (2) years as such followed by two (2) years as President and two (2) additional years as the Immediate Past President. The President-elect is a member of the Executive Team which plays an active role in the day to day management of the ISIE. This involves biweekly meetings and sometimes assuming a lead role on a project of the Society as well as attending the quarterly Board meetings and Annual General Meeting. The President-elect also serves in the place of the President in his or her absence. Upon assuming the role of the President, the areas of responsibility include setting goals (e.g., net income, membership, scope of scientific activities), convening and chairing meetings of the Society’s board, representing the society at conferences and other events and developing relationships with other organizations as well as serving on the Awards Committee. And, as Immediate Past President, responsibilities include serving as a member of the Nominating Committee and Chair of the Awards Committee. The time commitment for this position is estimated at around 2 to 3 hours per week during the first two years, 5 to 10 hours per week during the second 2 years and about 1 hour per week during the last two years (except it will be a little more in the run up to an election and the determining of ISIE awards).
Secretary (3 years): The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of the Society and the quarterly Board meetings, managing other documents and records, organizing the Annual General Meeting, chairing regular Executive meetings, coordinating with the Executive Director in communications and operational tasks, supporting the Nominating Committee during elections, and other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.
Treasurer (3 years): The Treasurer is responsible for oversight of the finances, strategic planning such as draft of annual budgets, reviewing financial proposals, tracking financial contracts, approval of payments with the ISIE president, coordinating all approved payments with organizations/individuals, attending Executive meetings and presenting financial information at all ISIE board meetings.
Board Members (3 years): The Board Members serve on the ISIE board and sub-committees as required, to guide the ISIE in its mandate of promoting industrial ecology globally. They are actively involved in decision making by the Board representing the diverse interests of the ISIE members. The time commitment for this position includes the attendance of four 2 hour online meetings per year, regular participation at ISIE conferences, reading and responding to minutes, and occasional volunteering.
Nominating Committee Member (3 years): The Nominating Committee has 6 members that supervise the nomination and election processes and appoints the nominees for elected positions of the Society to ensure diversity in geographical representation, gender, and age. The time commitment for this position includes the attendance of ca. four 1 hour online meetings per election round (ca. 1/year) and the dialogue with potential candidates.