Beijing conference update: Abstract submission til June 20, dynamic MFA with Pyhton pre-conference mini summer school

Socio-Economic Metabolism

Dear members of the ISIE, dear colleagues,

it is still possible to submit your abstract to the Joint Socio-Economic Metabolism (SEM) Section Conference and the Asia-Pacific (AP) Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE), held at Peking University from August 24-27, 2024. The extended abstract submission deadline is June 20.

The conference website contains all information related to the conference, so please check back regularly for updates.


On the two days before the conference, Zhi Cao (Nankai University) and I will organise a hands-on mini summer school, organised as hackathon: Dynamic Material Flow Analysis with Python for Designing Eco-civilization. During this mini summer school, we will work with students at all levels, who are already familier with MFA, on how to build own dynamic MFA models, using available Python libraries and datasets.
The dates for this summer school are August 23 (2 pm – 9 pm) and August 24 (6 pm – 9 pm). The detailed program can be found here, and applications can be submitted simply by email to either Zhi Cao (zhicao[at] or to Stefan Pauliuk (stefan.pauliuk[at]

We are looking forward to meeting you in Beijing!

Stefan Pauliuk

Professor for Industrial Ecology, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg