PhD course - Advances in Life Cycle Modelling

Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment

Radboud University Nijmegen and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology collaborate on a course addressing PhD students who already have prior knowledge in LCA and would like to raise their game. The course runs in the first two weeks of July in Nijmegen as part of the Radboud University Summer School. For more information, see RUSS.

The early bird registration deadline in 1 April.

his course focuses on understanding the strengths, limitations and potential pitfalls of determining environmental impacts of a product with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods. The course will provide you state-of-the-art insights in both inventory modelling (obtaining emission and resource extraction quantities) and impact assessment (determining effects of your emissions and extractions).

The core of the course addresses the modelling of product systems and larger production-consumption networks. For the inventory modelling, it includes recent advances related to the adaptation of input-output techniques and data, allocation issues, attributional and consequential LCA, and the treatment of recycling. The impact assessment covers new insights in impact category and damage-oriented approaches. Starting with general cause-effect chain modelling, at least one impact category, is investigated in depth. Attention is also paid to the areas of protection and spatial variability related to the effects.

Dealing with different types of uncertainties in LCA modelling and performing an uncertainty assessment is part of the course. New developments will be highlighted throughout the course. Education forms used are in the form of lectures and in small groups you will work on assignments, where you will investigate inventory and impact assessment processes with, a.o. matlab and excel on your own laptop. This, under guidance of experts in input-output and inventory modelling, impact assessment, uncertainty and variability assessments, i.e. Edgar Hertwich and Francesca Verones from NTNU, Norway, and Koen Kuipers and Rosalie van Zelm from Radboud University.

Before the start of the course you are asked to prepare and read through the material. You are asked to do a simple modelling exercise to have a head start during the scheduled course weeks.