ISIE Awards Colloquium Announcement

The ISIE is pleased to announce that a virtual ISIE Awards Colloquium will be held on 30 January 2024 at 3PM Central European Time (CET) to celebrate the recipients of the 2023 ISIE Society Prize and the 2023 Laudise Medal. This corresponds to 9AM in New York, 2PM in London, and 10PM in Beijing.

The 2023 ISIE Society Prize was awarded to Ester van der Voet of Leiden University. The Society Prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to the field of industrial ecology. It is the ISIE's highest recognition of professional achievement. Ester is the second Leiden University industrial ecologist to receive the prize. She joins Gjalt Huppes who received it in 2011.

Christoph Helbig of the University of Bayreuth is the recipient of the 2023 Laudise Medal. The Laudise Medal is named in memory of Robert Laudise and endowed by AT&T. It is awarded to an early career researcher who has had significant achievements in industrial ecology.

The colloquium will be moderated by Stefanie Hellweg of ETH Zurich, the current chair of the ISIE’s Awards Committee. It will feature presentations by Ester and Christoph and will include time for a few questions from the audience.

The title of Ester van der Voet's presentation is "The Laws of Nature are fundamental in Society as well: We’ll ignore them at our peril."

The title of Chistoph Helbig's presentation is "Material Flows in the Economy beyond Circularity and Criticality."

The Zoom platform will be used for the colloquium.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 994 8872 7876

Password: 225076

We hope you will be able to attend this virtual colloquium and learn why the ISIE was so excited to award the Society Prize and Laudise Medal to these two remarkable industrial ecologists.