Summary of EEIO efforts in the US

Environmentally Extended Input Output Section

Following discussion at the IO special section session at the ISIE conference last month, here is collected information and links to EEIO databases dealing with the US. 


The EIO-LCA website hosted by Carnegie Mellon website provides web browser based platform for obtaining estimates of environmental impacts associated with products sold in the US, with EEIO tables based on the 1997 and 2002 benchmark input output tables. Documentation is available. The web platform is free to use and the data is commercially available.

A description of an extensions of this model creating a regional EIO-LCA for the US is available at


CEDA provides a EEIO model for the US which is commercially available (academic licensing may be free of charge). CEDA 5 offers regionalisation by state, and incorporates 26 electricity grid mix regions. CEDA 4 was based on 2002 IO tables. I cannot find a source for which years IO tables CEDA 5 is based upon.  Numerous academic and institutional studies have used this model. Documentation here


The USEEIO is recently published by EPA with consumption data from 2013, but generally following an industrial structure based on the 2007 benchmark tables. Methods and model building are open source on github

4) OPEN-IO is an open source EEIO based on the 2002 benchmark IO tables. It seems to have previously been available at but this link now appears broken.


Anyone with additional information and links regarding ongoing efforts and EEIO models please add to this.