EEIO section meeting (ISIE Conference)

Environmentally Extended Input Output Section
Dear colleagues and members of the ISIE section for Environmentally Extended Input Output Section (EEIO),
Just a few days to go before the start of the ISIE conference!
We invite you to join the EEIO section meeting at the Leiden conference on Sunday, July 2, 6-7:30 pm. The venue is B0.31 KOG Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden.
Please check the program and announcement on the conference website for further details.
The section meeting will have two parts. First, we will report on past and current activities and present the new Section Board members. 
Second, we would like to gather the ideas and opinions of the section members through a brainstorming session to shape the future of the EEIO section activities.
We look forward to meeting you all at the conference.
EEIO Section board  members
New: Kaihui Song, Peipei Tian, Sébastien Dente
Former: Keisuke Nansai, Kuishuang Feng, Dominik Wiedenhofer