Formation of a new section on Sustainable Circular Economy

In May a membership survey indicated large interest in new crosscutting sections and in particular one on Sustainable Circular Economy. As a consequence, a well-attended meeting was held at the Gordon Research Conference (GRC). Strong interest of those present in creating a new section was confirmed in this meeting. Four people volunteered (and were supported by the people in the meeting) to take the lead in preparing the launch of this new section (organizing committee): Bhavik Bakshi (professor at Ohio State University), Dominik Wiedenhofer (research scientist at BOKU Vienna), Magnus Fröhling (professor at TU Munich) and Hannah Wang (PhD student at Yale). They will be supported by Stefan Pauliuk and Joe Bozeman who offered to serve as liaison to the methods sections. Most of the other attendees offered to function as a sounding board. The first tasks of this organizing committee will be to collect inputs on the homepage, draft a mission statement, a governance structure, and planned section activities for approval in the September meeting of the ISIE Board. If you were not able to indicate your interest in being involved in forming the section at the GRC, please contact Magnus Fröhling or the other members of the organizing committee.