The Third Asia–Pacific Meeting/EIDC Section Meeting 20–21 October 2012, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing

Socio-Economic Metabolism

The Third ISIE Asia–Pacific Meeting will be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 October 2012, following on from the first meeting in Kawasaki, Japan in 2008 and the second in Tokyo, Japan in 2010.

Keynote speakers will include:

  •  Marian Chertow, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale University
  • Thomas Graedel, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale University
  • Gjalt Huppes, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University
  • Lu Zhongwu, Northeastern University of China
  • Seogwoong Moon, Ex-President, Korea Society for Industrial Ecology, Kyungsung University
  • Yuichi Moriguchi, Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo

You can read an overview of the meeting on the ISIE’s website at, and see all the details (including the draft program and how to register) on the meeting’s website at 

See you there!