Our highlight this week: Julius Ott

Sustainable Urban Systems





Julius Ott is a master student from Heidelberg Germany. He has a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering and worked in the filter industry for four years (3 years as working student, one year full time). Currently Julius is part of the first generation Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme in Circular Economy (CIRCLE) which includes NTNU Trondheim, Graz Universty and Waseda University Tokyo.


Julius’ main research/work interest areas:

  • Input output analysis and resource efficiency (master thesis topic)
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Sustainable transportation

Julius’ favorite cities and why:

Tokyo, because it is so big and exciting to explore. It also has an excellent public transport network.

Julius’ path to cities research:

Julius participated in the Climathon Trondheim 2019 where he learned a lot about smart cities and sustainable city transition. Also the amount of people living in cities is growing globally, so he thinks it is important to pay attention to cities and their development.