Our highlight this week: Weiwei Mo

Sustainable Urban Systems


 Weiwei Mo is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of New Hampshire (UNH). She got her BS degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China (2008), and her MS (2011) and PhD (2012) degrees from University of South Florida. Before UNH, she was a post-doctoral associate at Yale University. Her research seeks to understand and enhance infrastructure sustainability and resiliency using a systems approach. She has led several National Science Foundation funded projects, working on integrated planning of water and energy systems, spatial optimization of decentralized infrastructure systems considering user preferences, and crowdsourced monitoring for drinking water safety and resiliency.

Weiwei’s main research/work interest areas:

  • Sustainability and resiliency of urban water, energy, and transportation systems
  • Interdependent critical infrastructure systems
  • Interactions among infrastructure, social, and natural systems

Weiwei’s favorite cities and why:

Weiwei has not lived in many cities. Generally, she likes cities with a more inclusive and diverse culture. 😊

 Weiwei’s collaboration interests:

Weiwei loves working with people with different expertise and learning about their perspectives. Knowledge co-production and team working are among those that she values the most when it comes to her work. She looks forward to learning more about SUS members’ research and developing future collaboration opportunities.