Invitation to become a Founding Board Member of “Island Industrial Ecology” section

Dear Industrial Ecology members,


We are reaching out to invite you to become a founding board member for ISIE’s new section “Island Industrial Ecology” (or Island-IE). Island-IE promotes basic and policy-relevant industrial ecology research on islands to foster a transformation to sustainability.

There are three (voluntary) board member positions open (see current board members here), and we would be delighted to receive expressions of interest from you. We aspire for a very diverse, equitable, and inclusive board; hence we particularly invite expressions from young scholars, women, and other underrepresented groups. Our board must reflect the values that we stand for when it comes to engaging with island and coastal communities across the world. 

We are certainly aware that many of you are already overwhelmed with all sorts of demands and prior commitments, with COVID adding another layer of stress and uncertainty. Should you be interested in serving this board, but have time constraints, we are certainly open to considering lower levels of commitment, discuss your role and an appointment for a period of 1 year (usually it is 2 years). You could also signal your interest now for future consideration in this role if you are unable at this time. Please know that this is an entirely voluntary position.

The board members will take up one or more roles, or share a role from, for example: Website Editor, Member Liaison, Communications strategist, Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) officer, Professional liaison coordinator; Awards co-ordinator; Events coordinator; Webinar organizer. Here is the ISIE Section Board Handbook.

We look forward to hearing from you by 15 February 2021, following which we will schedule our first board meeting, and plan activities for 2021. There is no formal application, a simple email would be sufficient, containing a brief statement (3-4 sentences) of the role you would be interested in, and your preferred time commitment. Of course, if you have questions, please write to me at

Thank you in advance!

Simron (on behalf of the current board)