Summer School on the Assessment of Materials Stocks and Flows | Panorama project | 16 to 18 September 2020


Title: Summer School on the Assessment of Materials Stocks and Flows | Panorama project | 16 to 18 September 2020


The Summer School is organized within the PANORAMA project and focuses on metrics to assess material stocks and flows. The lead organizers are Leiden University and Université de Bordeaux. The Summer School is planned to be held in Bordeaux. Yet, due to the current circumstances with covid19, it will also be available online in case there are still restrictions on travel at that moment.


The audience of the summer school are PhD students, postdocs and researchers of PANORAMA, as well as from other groups and networks working or interested in the topics.


The deadline for application is July 27, and we will send a confirmation by August 3.

Link to the application: