we just had our board meeting, attending were: Sina Leipold, Chika Aoki-Suzuki, Magnus Fröhling, Dominik Wiedenhofer. The section already has 121 members. Lets move forward with our planned activities. Focus for first half of 2023: get the VSI done, improve our website material, prepare the section meeting at the ISIE Leiden conference. 1) Hannah Wang has thankfully agreed to become our website editor. Many thanks Hannah! 2) Report by Magnus on developing the VSI to highlight outstanding research published in JIE so far. Aim: not a comrpeehnsive review, more of a collection to highlight great work and to make some observations about the research in on CE in the journal. - target: finalize this until the ISIE-Leiden Conference (July 2023) - First literature collection and topical grouping by Magnus based on title/abstract yields ~50 studies to include into a VSI. - Iterative improvement by the board of this list necessary. Magnus sends out the status and assigns tasks to all of us. - Aim: lets write a short introduction piece for the VSI as column or correspondence: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/15309290/homepage/forauthors.html#_Toc1992400 - Lets include an overview mapping of the entire existing CE literature in the JIE journal into this intro piece? Like a network of topics/clusters? Magnus checks, if his research group can help with that, e.g. using vosviewer or some other tool. - Dominik writes to Richard about the VSI and a column publ - get feedback from the sounding board about our VSI selection list. - Do we want to have some interactions with the section members for this VSI? unclear. 3) ISIE Leiden Conference: - we will have an introductory board meeting with the members to get to know each other and to see if some bottom-up activities might be happening. Dominik, Magnus and Sina are coming, anyone else coming to the conference? - Dominik coordinates a short preparation meeting for this section meeting. 4) Annual ISIE meeting on 20th of April, 14-16 CEST. - Sina & Chika not available; Magnus has phd meetings; Dominik is travelling on that day and cannot guraentee attendance. - anyone else can attend the annual meeting and represent the section - someone needs to be there. There will be a short slot to report, nothing fancy required. Bhavik or anyone else, can you make it? 5) Do you have training and teaching material on the CE you want to recommend? Please let me and Hannah know, we will put it up on the website. 6) End of summer/beginning of fall is the target for the next SCE board meeting, moving into further activities we are planning.