The Sharing Economy: Research on Access, Technology, Equity and Applications

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You are invited to participate in an upcoming conference focused on the Sharing Economy. The 2-day event will bring together researchers from diverse disciplines, including business, computing, economics, engineering, law, public policy, sociology, as well as thought leaders from the private and public sectors to:

  • Discuss challenges behind current markets, regulations and policies associated with sharing economy systems and explore potential solutions
  • Consider emerging technologies and algorithms for optimizing design, operation, incentives, and security of sharing economy systems
  • Examine how sharing economy can enable socially desirable outcomes, including sustainable growth, social equity and improved resilience

Application areas to be explored include-- but are not limited to-- cloud computing, distributed energy, healthcare delivery, lodging, urban mobility. We aim to engage participants in thoughtful discussions about the economic, political and social contexts in which sharing economy platforms are emerging, examine promising approaches to collecting data and evaluating outcomes, and design recommendations for improving real-world implementations of sharing economy systems.

Visit the SHARE Conference Website

Call for Papers and Posters

Deadline for proposals: January 31, 2019

Notification date: February 7, 2019

Full instructions for submission & registration information is available here